Drone Video Production in dallas

Let's Get Aerial Show Me More Examples

Want to transport your audience to soaring new heights? The Well can deliver that. Not only are we the Dallas metroplex’s resident video production experts in wait-did-that-just-happen-hey-you-gotta-see-this video, but we also own a small but smart fleet of drones ready to show you that, when it comes to aerial video production, the sky is far from the limit.

 Don’t Call Uncle Bill

 We all have an Uncle Bill. He’s the ultimate gadget freak who’s always boasting about his acquisition of the latest and greatest “toy.” Uncle Bill loves flying his drone, and he’s not half-bad at it — at least, he’s avoided being named in a personal injury lawsuit… so far. But odds are good you don’t want him shooting video for you.

Here’s why: Drone hobbyists don’t have to register with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), so many of them don’t. However, liability insurance doesn’t cover aerial drone operations. If something goes sideways, you and Uncle Bill could end up with an expensive “oops” on your hands.

 The Well is different. We employ FAA-licensed commercial aerial drone operators, which means we’re fully insured and — more importantly — trained in the safe and conscientious use of this very special equipment.

 Additionally, we use the very latest unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), unmanned aircraft system (UAS) and photography technology, which means we can capture beautifully smooth, crystal-clear aerial imagery that Uncle Bill, for all his enthusiasm, can’t.

 Unforgettable Shots from an Aerial Perspective​

 Spectacular images speak to your audience’s hopes, dreams and desires. Incredible imagery, paired with your unique message, will turn your B-roll into a series of spine-tingling, make-your-head-spin video moments.

Utilizing the latest in drone video technology, we capture footage that rises above the rest — literally. Because you know what they say: The view is always better from the top. But how can drone footage enliven your video content? Read on. 

  • Real-estate videos: Show potential buyers absolutely everything a property has to offer.
  • Golf course and resort shots: Dazzle guests with sweeping views of landscaping, water features and other amenities.
  • Campus tours: Alumnae and new students alike will burst with collegiate pride when they see their school from this vantage.
  • Construction projects: Is there anything more exciting than seeing something built from the ground up? Sure there is — a bird’s-eye view of something being built from the ground up.
  • Sporting events: Get closer to the action than any sideline talking head ever could.

 Of course, here at The Well, we’re as well-known for being video marketing mavericks as we are for being audience experts. In this case, that means taking our drones inside. If you have a large indoor space, an aerial perspective can create some incredible cool flyover footage. Here are just a few examples of how. 

  • Concert videos: With apologies to Freddie Mercury, we will rock you… and we’ll make you look like a rock star in the process.
  • Factory and plant tours: Whether you’re showing investors how efficiently you operate or training your crew on how to get it all done, sweeping views paint a clear picture.
  • Conference keynote addresses: We can go wide to take in the crowd and zoom in to capture individual reactions.
  • Galas and other celebrations: Relive every detail of that event you worked so hard to plan and pull off. 

If you’re looking for full-service, creative video production company in Dallas and the best drone video operators here in North Texas, we’re looking to collaborate with you. Let Uncle Bill impress the kids at the next family reunion. Call us for your drone video production needs.



Drone Sizzle Reel


Hire Us to Make Your Drone Footage Sizzle